Doon Blossom Academy

Welcome to Doon Blossom Academy !


Skill Development Clubs

"By education, I mean an all-round drawing of the best in child and man in body, mind and spirit"
- Mahatma Gandhi
To empower our students to identify, develop & showcase their brilliance, DBA offers a variety of clubs:

Picasa Club

It is established to prepare students in the current scenario where pictorial/visual representation works everywhere. Students are learning basics of graphics designing, editing videos and giving effects, etc. Features :-


Photography Studio


Music Studio


Chroma Effect



Sports Club

It is set up in DBA to promote games and to encourage young enthusiastic students to participate, learn and excel in games. To develop a sense of fraternity and basic discipline are some basic objectives of this club. Features :-






Table Tennis





Personality Development Club

It seeks to inculcate the basics of a good personality among the students. Club emphasizes on basic etiquette, public speaking, manners and such other aspects that contribute in shaping up a mature personality. Features :-


Public Speaking


Etiquette/Social Manners


Story Telling & Drama


Goal Setting & career planning

Robotics Club

It was formed with the objective to give proper exposure to the students on the basic mechanism of robotics, its application and utility. The club also endeavors to develop scientific orientation of mind through frequent and regular exchange of scientific ideas. Features :-


Age appropriate robot design activities across all grades


Helps to be creative and solve problems


Boosts Critical Thinking

Technical Club

It provides personal growth and learning opportunities in technology, innovation and design. Students apply STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) concepts. Features :-


Explore the inner workings of everyday technology


Different Data Management Systems


Web Development & Designing


Digital Media Exposure

Ramanujan Maths Club

To develop math resilience, DBA has a Maths Club, which paves the way for complete visualization and comprehension of mathematical concepts. Features :-


Fast calculation using Vedic math useful for various competitive exams.


Secondary students give guidance to junior students.

Magical Memory Club

To help students & teachers build never forgetting memory, this club conducts many activities. Features :-


Learn by Fun


Brain Teaser (puzzles)


Logical Reasoning


Smart Study Tips


Innovative ways of teaching

Moral Values Club

It was formed to introduce students with the basic moral values that lays the foundation stone in developing a good and responsible citizen. Features :-


Geeta chanting


Parents worship day


Moral stories in smart classes


Great past: super powered bharat

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